Benjamin gum tree ‘Wiandi’ is an interesting evergreen houseplant that presents itself with dark green foliage.
The preferred location for the Benjamin Gum Tree ‘Wiandi’ is a draught-free, sunny to semi-shady spot with a well-drained and humus-rich houseplant substrate. Under optimal conditions, Ficus benjamina ‘Wiandi’ grows upright and branched, reaching heights of up to 80 cm, and widths of about 40 cm.
Ficus Wiandi is a small indoor plant with thin branches and small leaves. This miniature tree easily transforms into ornamental bonsai, which made it popular. It is unpretentious in care and is good for pruning. What is important to consider when taking care of this variety of Ficus Benjamina, and what kind of diseases is it exposed to?
The distinctive feature of this variety is a very original barrel, which seems to be turned at an angle of 90 degrees. Its height is about 30 cm. Thanks to this, it is easily formed and becomes a stylish element of decoration of any room. All the more so because it can be trimmed all year round.
The only thing that does not exactly tolerate the ficus is a sharp drop in temperature. Cold drafts can cause the plant’s death, so it is very important to place it in comfortable conditions, for example, on a special floor for flowers or even on a window sill. In summer it is better to move the pot to the balcony, but the care of Ficus Wiandi should include protection from excessive sunlight.
Important: At temperatures below 17 degrees, you need to protect the plant from cold. For this purpose, the soil is covered with a dense polyethylene film.
If the conditions change, the ficus immediately drops the leaves. In the first weeks of stay in a new place it is normal and should not cause concern.
Taking care of Ficus Wiandi at home
With the purchase of Ficus Wiandi, it is important to know that although he is not whimsical, he needs comprehensive care. To preserve the health of the plant, and to ensure a comfortable environment, it is important to follow the basic rules.
- Watering: In no case you should not overdo watering – excess moisture is excellent for the development of fungal diseases. Only when the top layers of soil, the thickness of the finger, are completely dry, you can moisten the soil again. During the cold season, the frequency of watering is reduced by half. It is important not only to “drink” the ficus, but also to refresh the leaves. You should do it at least once a day. And if in winter you can reduce the frequency of the sprayer, in summer it is a priority necessity. Both for irrigation and for splashing leaves, only water of room temperature is used.
- Feeding: For fertilization are excellent universal fertilizers that contain all the necessary nutrients. You can pick up your own food for the plant, a series of mineral and organic concentrates. It is important to bear in mind that the fertilizer is not used in winter – at this time of the year fikusu does not need additional support, the main thing is to protect it from cold and drafts.
- Pruning and formation: This plant is as if created to create a non-standard form, as it grows very slowly. It’s easy to work with, especially when the ficus is good for trimming, which is sure to be appreciated by bonsai masters. The ideal time for this procedure is the very beginning of spring.The shape of this plant is interesting in itself, that’s why the annual pruning can only supplement it – the presented photos will help to estimate the variety of variations.
- Transplantation: The procedure is usually carried out in spring, but in case of intensive growth of the plant, you may vary the frequency. The root system, as well as the lump of ground around which it is woven, is carefully separated.Do not plant the plant in a too spacious pot – the container should be the size of a dwarf tree. The frequency of planting may vary, depending on how actively the ficus is growing. To keep the size, you need to trim the roots a little.Ficus Wiandi must be replanted after purchase. You can use ready-made versions of the soil, or prepare the mixture yourself by connecting in equal parts peat, humus, sand and turf. It is necessary to ensure quality drainage – for this purpose will be perfect shards or expanded clay.
- Use: This plant is popular as a houseplant, but also in offices, as a pollutant filter or noise filter.
Diseases and pests
The owners of Ficus Wiandi are familiar with the situation when the plant suddenly loses all its leaves. In practice, the reason may be the wrong care, as well as a serious illness. What are the diseases and treatments that are important for the owners of this room tree to know about?
- Fungus – occurs due to excess moisture, treated with special drugs, as well as the normalization of irrigation.
- Pests – are visible on the inside of the leaf. To remove them, the plant, like its neighbors on the window sill and the floor, is thoroughly washed with soap solution.
- Cold and draught – all ficuses like heat, so if the temperature drops to 17 degrees, it is important to carefully cover the soil with dense polyethylene.
These are the most common diseases. It is better to prevent their appearance by providing the necessary prevention – proper care, moisture and nutrition.
Ficus Wiandi is a plant that sits comfortably on a window sill facing south-east or south-west. It is notable for its compact size and will wonderfully decorate any room.